Let’s say you are collaborating with someone to complete some text edits on a website. That person may have access rights to post changes to production and you need a way to show them the before and after of the page. This video covers how to copy the text you need to edit out of a browser, paste it into Microsoft Word, then use the track changes feature to make edits.
Collaboration is a huge part of working on the web. There are several different ways to show co-workers how to make changes to web pages. I personally like to receive text edits the way I’ve outlined in this video, with Track Changes turned on. Another way you could do it is to save the web page as a PDF from the browser and then use Adobe Reader’s markup tools to add sticky notes or comments to the file.
If you are the only person working on your web site, it is still a good idea to have versions of your web content stored in Word docs as backup. I recommend that you create drafts of web pages or posts in some kind of word processor. That way, if the internet suddenly goes down, you haven’t lost hours of work if the post does not get saved in your content management system. If you don’t have access to Microsoft Word, then choose an open source editor such as Apache’s OpenOffice.